
Showing posts with the label goddesses

Secrets of the Hidden one

  In Egyptian mythology, Amaunet (also spelled Amonet, Amaunet, Amentet, Amentit, Imentet, Imentit, and Ament) was a deity having several different characteristics during the long history of the pantheon of Ancient Egypt. Amaunet's name is the feminine version of Amun's, and as such, She is believed to be the female form of the greater god Amun and is one of the eight featured deities in the Ogdoad (consisting of four pairs where the woman’s name is a derivative of that of the husband). However, she seems to be at least as old as He. Both gods were depicted as independent deities and identified as a pair. Her name means a female who is hidden and her powers are connected to the words silence, stillness, mystery and obscurity. According to some myths Amunet was the daughter of Horus and Hathor. She was also sometimes merged with Hathor, Isis and Neith, Mut, and Nut. Amunet and her male counterpart Amun were the two aspects of the primordial concept of air and invis

Ajana/Ala legend

 Though not popularly known with the name Ajana in the IBO odinani pantheonological order. Her role and influence in IBO mythology is invaluable. Ala is her most revered name. she is the earth goddess of the IBOs. She is often associated with fertility, morality, death. Ala is not just the  goddess of earth but is earth herself. She is a primordial goddess created before the dawn of time by Chukwu, the all knowing and all powerful God. This bears an almost similar account of the Christian mythology and is in fact the same to the biblical creation. Ala is depicted in statue sculptures of mud colored in bright paints among the IBO tribes in Eastern Nigeria of the African continent. The sculpture shows Ala with a long torso and long thick neck. These are considered to the IBOs as signs of beauty. Sometimes, she is accompanied with other deities, human, and animals. She is also described as a mother with a child sitting on her lap. Other times, she wields a sword in her right hand.